The Horizonpad Circle Inclusion ( HCI)

Feb 13, 2022

All that you need to know!

An oracle for Non-Crypto Projects, Example coming below…

Mr. A has a good project in Agriculture, such as Setting up the first Tomato Powder firm!

The project only needs 20 Investors with a weight of 2000 BUSD for each pool.

Users can View the project Information and Book a slot for screening for Final Screening.

Only Successful users First-tier can contribute

2nd Tier will have the ability to contribute if the first tier users are not able to buy all the shares.

The Startup will begin to work according to the roadmap plan and each stage of execution will be shared with the shareowners and a stage virtual meeting will be set for decision-makers.

Let’s connect the world of Investors and Startups via the crypto pathway.

Sharing love by using the Horizonpad!




The first Lanchpad for Crypto and Non-Crypto Projects